Sunday, July 31, 2011

Bloomin Women

This is my last one for tonight. Post more Bloomin Women tomorrow.

Bloomin Women

I do not remember who did each women but I know the Mae West one was done by George Dry.

Women in Bloom

I bought the Egyptian Women with the flow pot that says Bloomin Women in hieroglyphics.
The green and yellow women was made by my granddaughters mom Alison Murphy. Ali is a textile artist who does beautiful wall art with textiles.
Apiece of her art was the poster for this years fundraiser.

Women in Bloom

Here are some of the Women in Bloom done by various artists. Hope you find them interesting.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Iris's (Step 1 WIP(work in Process)

I have started this 8x10 Iris painting with watercolor washes of lemon yellow, permanent rose , alizarin and cobalt blue.
I am still undecided if I will do this all in watercolor or use it as an under painting for pastel.
Stay tuned.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Bloomin Lady

This is the beginning of my Bloomin Lady. I am painting her on watercolor paper that I plan to apply to the wood and then apply fixative.
She presently is just in the initial stage.
As you can see from my previous posts it is always interesting to see what other artists come up with.

Bloomin Bird

This bird was flying past High Low Farm on the entry to Hampton. It was painted with acrylic and the birds feathers are from ones my cocktails had shed.

Bloomin Fish

My granddaughters mom Alison Murphy(Textile Artist) fish.
Now you see what I mean about how we put or own spin on it.

Bloomin Fish

Another artists fish

Bloomin Fish

Another artists fish

Bloomin Fish

This was my Pollock Fish. The Poster was an example of how they could be used as a scare crow. The owner would set them in the garden Hold onto the reins and be a scarecrow.
I will post a couple of other examples.

Bloomin Lady

At Bloomin Artist (a fund raising activity for John Peters Humphrey Association that occurs every two years each artist is given the opportunity to have a a project that has been prepared by the organizing committee and put their own creative spin on it. In previous years we have been given, three carved wooden fish,a dowel and a stand(2009) ,A bird and a short dowel with a flat board(2007) and a birdhouse (2005).
This year we have this wooden female form.
Bloomin Artist will take place the weekend of July 23 & 24th in Hampton N.B. Various artists set up on location in gardens and spots around Hampton and paint or work with various mediums and then the works are sold in silent auctions that occur 2-3 times each day. There are also previously done works for sale with part going to the artist and the rest to JPH Association .
It is usually a great time.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Back Yard

Garden at the side of ny house

More of my gardens

This is the garden at the front of my house.It is filled in alot more now

My Garden

This is one of my flower gardens and the reason I haven't posted in awhile.
I have been busy Planting and tending my flowers but now I am ready to paint some.