Thursday, April 26, 2012

Molly Wip Step 4

Tonight I worked on the lips,eyes,eyebrows and at developing the shadow under the chin. I have just started to establish the general shape of her hair.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Monarch & Wild roses

This  is an 8x10 painting I did while waiting for layers to dry on my portrait of Molly

Molly Wip Step3

In this step I have added more layers to the skin of her face and defined her nose.
I have spent more time developing the color of her eyes but have a ways to go yet. Once I define the lids more and add her lashes as well as eyebrows,it will look much better.Her left eye and ear seem much too prominent in this step but since it is not straight on but her head is turned I am hoping it will all fall into place. I have also started on the lips now and I have an under wash of Indian Yellow to warm the bottom lip and make it pop.
  I now need to give her eyebrows, start on the hair before I can fine touch the skin tones. I also need to establish the darkest tone under her chin line. This painting is 18.5 inches by 22.5inches.
  As usual I am working on other paintings  as well as I like to let my work dry naturally between layers.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Molly Wip Step 2

I was finally able to post a photo. In this step I have started adding the skin tones and  started working on her eyes.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Molly WIP step2

Step one of this portrait was actually started by doing a light over wash of Aurolin Yellow over the complete drawing and background. My palate colors are Aurolin yellow, indian yellow, alizarin Crimson ,,Thalo blue,Thalo green, Paynes grey,Yellow orange and Perylene green
The background was established by adding another overwash of Aurolin yellow then dropping in Thalo blue,Thalo Green ,Alizilan and Perelyne green.
The skin colors will be made using either aurolin or Indian yellow under various mixes of yellow,Alizarin and Thalo blue.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Molly WIP Step 1

Molly is my youngest granddaughter. She just turned three in March. If you look back in my older posts you will find where i painted my older granddaughter Lily who will be six next week.
My grandchildren mean the world to me. Next I plan to paint my grandson Griffin who will be two next month.
I have a large Pastel painting that Richard Flynn did of Lily for me and he is my favorite Pastel Artist.
I am attempting this painting in watercolor but may over paint with pastel if I feel so inclined as it goes along.
Griffin next!!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Front Garden

This watercolor I finished last week. It is 8x10 .
If you wish to see the steps in it let me know.

Peony & Lace Step 6 ? Finished

In this step I have removed the masking from the Queen Anne Lace and highlighted the petal tips by scratching them out.
I still may add some shadow in the lace but I don't want to overwork it so I will wait for awhileand just keep looking at it.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Peony & Lace Step 5

In this step I have built up the color so far that I have now scrubbed out highlights to show we are looking down into the center of an open Peony that is Pink and pale Yellow.

Peony& Lace Step 4

In this step I continue to build up the color.