Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Get on and Ride! WIP Step 2

I have now started filling in some of the details of the decorations on the carousel horse as well as his mane and tail. Unfortunately tonight   I knocked my favorite ceramic palate on the floor and broke it in several pieces so some painting time was wasted on cleaning up.
 I am liking the glow from the bulls eye effect but now trying to decide if I can keep the horse looking white with the strong blue and pink. Stay tuned as this truly is a work in process.

K.V. Quilt Show

K.V.Quilt Show

K.V. Quilt Show

K.V. Quilt Show

Just posting a few of my favorite Quilts from a local Quilt show as I see them as works of Art.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Get on and Ride! WIP step1

This is the painting I have just started. I usually work on more than one at a time to allow the watercolor to dry in between.This painting I want to make Fun and whimsical just like a carousel horse should be.
 I have started the painting with a bulls eye under wash using three primary colors lemon yellow, alizarin and  thalo blue.

From the back

This is the other hibiscus painting in which I used the same palate as I did for the Twins. More yellow was allowed to show through on this painting to show how the sunlight was shining through the petals.The veins in this painting were made using almost dry brush.

The Twins

 Sorry I have been so long since I have posted to my blog.
 I have had a busy summer ,enjoying my grandchildren, traveling to Salem,Mass.,Boston, New York and recently to Las Vegas and the Grand Cannon.
 Lots of inspiration for future paintings. Over the summer I have been working on mainly three paintings but one is a surprise so I cannot post it yet.
  This is a watercolor painting of my hibiscus plant I bought for my patio.
 I started both this painting and the next one I am posting with an under painting of aureolin and indian yellow to have the light shine through and give the right shade to this scarlet flower. Cad. red was used along with a mineral violet to make the veins and shadows.